The other day here at Hive HQ marked a momentous occasion in which a window was left open in the office for the first time in months – we’re attached to a warehouse so chilly that we would put the milk in the fridge to warm it up! We felt spring was coming and enjoyed a warm blast of sun on the building earlier this morning. It was when we came back from lunch however, that we truly realised that sping had sprung; the bees were out and back to work on the blossom…
We have four colourful yellow hives on the rooftop here, that over winter, have housed our bees as they cosy-ed up against the cold – a survival technique that we wrote about here. Underneath the hives, we have some boxes containing heritage fruit trees, some vegetables such as artichokes and various other plants. Well, the crocus have bloomed in the last few days and the scent of their blossom has reached into the hive to tempt the worker bees out and the front of the building has now resumed a happy hum…