Things are really starting to buzz here at Plan Bee, and that’s not just the 10-million honeybees we have in partnership hives from Aberdeen to Cornwall.
We’re seeing a growing number of large businesses connecting with the company and most satisfying is that they already get what we’re about. Word of mouth, social media and building the buzz are all helping to engage with companies keen to play their own part in supporting the environment.
What is best about that is perhaps that these companies are not only looking to be one hit wonders, but they hope to educate their communities and in particular younger members of their communities on the vital role that honeybees play in the environment.
Creating this environmental Legacy has been an important part of our work over the last 5 years, with over 18,000 young people taught curriculum-based sustainability lessons.
We’re adding to that, showing kids the waggle dance, squishing recycled newspaper together with wildflower seeds and painting hives with communities across the country.
This community engagement offering is a growing part of what we do, in fact the future’s bright, the future’s… golden.